In our previous blog, we have already spoken about what 'Science of Reading' is and why is it so important. We have also discussed, the different pillars of reading and what each of them entails.
In this article, we will talk about how parents can use this research and implement it for their children of different age groups to make them effective readers.
How parents can use the research on the 'Science of Reading'?
Phonemic awareness is a precursor to reading so parents can help their kids with this at home. Phonological awareness skills are important for the development of understanding letter sounds, so helping early learners with this gives them a head start.
Other than this, parents can help enhance their child's vocabulary by reading together. For early readers, cuddle up and watch your little one pay attention to your tone, pronunciation, and the way you emphasize particular words. It's a great way to show kids how enjoyable books and reading can be. You can also play alphabet games, letter puzzles, and do other word activities.
Here are some other activities that incorporate the idea of the science of reading for early readers.
Rhyming games. “I’m thinking about an animal that rhymes with frog…that’s right! Dog!” Then, have your child choose a word and ask you to think of a rhyme.
Rhyming groups. “Let’s think of all the words that rhyme with mat.”
Nursery songs. Tongue twisters, brief poems, and silly songs let children play with language. Very young children may especially enjoy finger-plays like Finger Family or Itsy Bitsy Spider that have hand movements along with words.
Syllables. Help kids learn to break down composite words/words into their parts. Rowboat = row+boat. Firetruck = fire+truck. Eggplant = egg+plant. Once a child understands syllables, they can break down words like “ap-ple” where the syllables don’t necessarily have meanings on their own.
Older preschoolers and kindergarteners can learn letter names. Starting with letters in a child’s name is a common way to help kids understand the context for learning letter names. Parents should keep in mind that any literacy activities can be positive ways to develop kids’ ability to connect with reading, and that reading aloud remains one of the best ways to grow children’s engagement with stories, language, and reading.
For elementary grades, making time for reading can often mean limiting other activities. Establishing a reading routine must be an important part of the daily schedule.
As they grow and keep reading, parents can move on to activities involving the other aspects of the science of reading like vocabulary, pronunciation, comprehension, etc.
According to statistics, Indians spend an average of 10:42 hours per person per week engaged in reading books. So, we are definitely in the right direction in raising effective readers. As parents and educators, we must make a conscious effort to instil the habit of effective reading in our kids from an early age.
The idea of reading should be made enjoyable for them and not like a boring routine. With simple interactions, conversations, and activities, we should be able to raise active readers.